Thursday, October 21, 2010

Using TRACE! By: Caroline Dingwall

Using TRACE Feature

1. The TRACE feature is a wonderful tool
for understanding the various characteristics
of a graph. For illustration purposes we'll
use the graph .
Enter this equation as
Y1 on the Y= screen.

2. Then use the GRAPH key to graph the
function. In this case please graph the function
on the
standard window by hitting ZOOM 6.

3. After pressing ZOOM 6 the graph should
. To use the trace feature press the
TRACE key. A cursor should appear on the
graph at the
y-intercept (0, -5.625).

4. We can walk the cursor along the curve
in either direction by using the arrow right
and arrow left keys.

5. Because the location of the cursor is
constantly displayed as we move, finding
intervals where the function is positive or
negative is simply a matter of watching the
sign of y. Use this feature to find the x and
y intercepts or points of intersection and more!

(Helpful website)

Caroline Dingwall ♫♫♫♫

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